Wednesday 22 May 2013

2013 All African Scout Day AFRICAN SCOUT REGION & THE ETHIOPIAN NATIONAL SCOUT COUNCIL SCOUTING & MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Presented by: Olusoga Sofolahan-Atibioke (LT) B.Sc, M.Sc, Econs, MBA, MNIS, FCE. (Lead-Nigerian Contingent, 2013 African Scout Day Celebrations at Ethiopia & Former National Adult Resources Commissioner, Nigeria NSO)


The Millennium Declaration in 2000 was a milestone in international cooperation, inspiring development efforts that have improved the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Ten years later, world leaders gathered again at the United Nations in New York to review progress, assess obstacles and gaps, and agreed on concrete strategies and actions to meet the eight Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The Goals represent human needs and basic rights that every individual around the world should be able to enjoy—freedom from extreme poverty and hunger; quality education, productive and decent employment, good health and shelter; the right of women to give birth without risking their lives; and a world where environmental sustainability is a priority, and women and men live in equality. Leaders also pledged to forge a wide-ranging global partnership for development to achieve these universal objectives.


Millennium Goal 1
Eradication of extreme Poverty & Hunger
Millennium Goal 2
Achieve Universal Primary Education
Millennium Goal 3
Promote Gender Equality & Empower Women
Millennium Goal 4
Reduce Child Mortality.
Millennium Goal 5
Improved Maternal Health.
Millennium Goal 6
Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & other diseases.
Millennium Goal 7
Ensure Environmental Sustainability
Millennium Goal 8
Develop a Global Partnership on development.



The Goal is to half the number of people living on less than $1 per day.
ü Deterioration of the World Labor Market, triggered by the World Economic crisis has resulted in a decline in employments.
ü  Since the World Economic crisis, more workers find themselves and their families living in extreme poverty.
ü Agricultural Organization of the United Nations estimated that the number of people that were undernourished in 2008 and 2009 respectively exceeded 1 Billion.
ü Progress to end hunger has been stymied in most regions.
ü Despite all progress to end hunger, One out of Four children in developing Countries are still underweight.
ü Over 42 Million people have been uprooted by Conflicts or Persecutions
1.    Scouts embarking on “Food for live” through Campaign Programs,
2.    Scouting Involvements in Agriculture- 42 Million Scouts & Leaders Personal Cultivations, and Partnering with International bodies for Mechanized Farming and Poverty Eradication Programs.
3.    Providing Funds for SMEs.
4.    Develop Household by Household Food Cultivation initiatives Programs.


Ensure by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete a full Course of Primary Schooling (Basic Primary Education)

1.    Scouting should get involved in campaigns within the Communities to encourage Children enrolment at Schools, and Campaign should be to promote getting more Teachers Involvement in the Basic Education Program.
2.    Scouting should embark on creating awareness on the need to be Educated amongst the less privileged Children within the Society.
3.    Organization should partner with International Sponsor Organization that could invest in Basic Primary Education without necessarily looking for Financial Returns.



Goal is to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably in2015 and in all levels of Education not later than 2015.
ü Poverty is a major barrier to education especially amongst the older girls.
ü Support Campaign against Women Trafficking in Africa
ü Globally the share of Women in paid employment outside Agriculture in minimal.
ü Women are largely relegated to more Vulnerable forms of employments.
ü Women are slowly rising to Political Power, but mainly when boosted by quotas and other special measures.
1.    Scouts Associations in Africa are expected to increase the NSO Management Staff Strengths to ratio 1:1 Man/Woman, Boy/Girl.
2.    Partner with International bodies to organize Women Empower Programs within each Affiliate.
3.    Work Gender Issues like we currently work Messenger of Peace Initiatives Worldwide.
4.    Provide Educational Support to Women on the need to discover their Potentials as equal Leaders of tomorrow.



The Goal looks at two-third between 1990 – 2015, the under Five Mortality rate.
ü Child death is on the increase at least 5 in every 1000 Births
1.    Scouting should provide support towards Campaigning against Children Killer Diseases – Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Whopping Cough, Measles, Yellow Fever, and Polio. 
2.    Encourage/Campaign in support of Appropriate Breasts Feeding for Children to build Anti-bodies in Children


This Goal is to reduce Maternal Mortality rate by two-third.
ü Achieving good Maternal health requires quality reproductive health Sources.
ü Only One-third of Rural Women in developing regions receive the recommended care during pregnancies
ü Progress is stalled in reducing the number of teenage pregnancies putting young mothers at risk.
ü Inadequate funding for Family Planning is a major failure in fulfilling the commitment to improve women’s’ reproductive health.
1.    Work with World Health Organization on Campaign towards the Prevention of Diseases like Sickle Cell Anemia, Cervical and or Breast Cancer.
2.    Encourage Pregnant Women to attend Antenatal and Postnatal after Children births,
3.    Raising Campaign against Complications that could result from Pregnancy and Child births.
4.     Provide support towards Campaigns against Female Mutilations, Teenage pregnancies and work with Government to invest more in Family Planning. NB: As at 1st of November 2011, The World Population was put at 7 Billion. We need Global concerted Actions in resolving this population explosions.
The Goal is to have HIV/AIDS halted in 2015 and begin to reverse the spread.
ü The spread of HIV/AIDS appeared to have stabilized in most regions, and more people are surviving longer.
ü Many young people still lack the knowledge to protect themselves against HIV.
ü Understanding how to prevent transmission of HIV is the first step to avoiding infection.
ü Empower Women through AIDS education is indeed possible, as the number of Countries have embraced this line.
ü The rate of HIV   Infected Countries has increase above the available treatment.
ü Expanded treatments for HIV-positive woman also safeguard her unborn or newly born babies.
ü  Production of Insecticide treated Mosquito Nets, would help reduce Malaria.
ü Poverty continues to limit the use of Insecticides treated Mosquito Nets.
ü There should be Global purchase of Anti-Malaria Drugs.
ü Children from poorer homes are least likely to receive treatments on Malaria.
ü Tuberculosis remains the second leading killer disease after HIV/AIDS.
1.    Work with Red Cross & Red Crescents on the Campaign against HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases.
2.    Support Government of different African Countries on the Campaigns of ABCD of Malaria:  A = Awareness of the Risk. B = Prevent Mosquito Bite, C = take appropriate Chemoprophylaxis if required, D = early Diagnosis can be lifesaving.
3.    Solicit Support from International bodies on the provision of Drugs for the Prevention/Treatments of STDs, HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases.

The Goal is to integrate the Principles of Sustainable development into Countries policy and programs and reverse the loss of Environment.
Target will be to reduce bio-diversity loss significantly.
ü The rate of deforestation in Sub-Sahara Africa is alarmingly high.
ü A decisive response to Climate Change is urgently required.
ü The World has missed the 2010 target for bio-diversity, conservation with potentially grave consequence.
ü The number of species facing extraditions is growing by the day, especially in Developing Countries.
ü The proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water is on the increase.
ü Disparity in Urban & Rural Sanitation coverage remains daunting.
ü Slower Environmental developments occur in Sub-Sahara Africa due to wars and conflicts.

1.    Organize Environments for Peace Programs like Tree Planting, Drainages Constructions, and Provision of Water Sources for Fresh Water use.
2.    Organize Campaigns against Environmental Pollutions & Ozone Layers depletions.
3.    Embark more on Scout of the World Programs that will improve Environmental development.
4.    Support Weekly/Monthly Cleaning of our Environments so as to prevent diseases.
5.    Work with International donor bodies on the provision of additional Safe drinking water sources.
The Goal is to address the need of the least developed Countries landlocked Countries, and small Island developing States.
ü Only Five Donor Countries have reached the United target for official Aid.
ü Aids continue to rise despite the financial crises, but Africa is short-changed.
ü In conjunction with the Private Sector, the benefit of Information and Communication continue to be felt.
1.    Scouting partnering with NEPERD, United      Nations, and Other Non-Governmental bodies on Developmental Programs.
2.    Work with the Federal Government of African Countries on developmental Programs that can improve Sustainable Growth and Development.
3.    Scouting should Network with other Non-Governmental Organization to set developmental Goal for Peace, and Sustainable development
Progress towards the eight Millennium Development Goals is measured through 21 targets and 60 official indicators. This write up represents the goals and how we could be involved as members of World Organization of Scout Movement.
Most of the MDG targets have a deadline of 2015, and 1990 is the baseline against which progress is gauged. When relevant and available, data for 2000 are also presented, to describe changes since the Millennium Declaration was
signed. Many thanks for listening and Good Hunting

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